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The Second LIESMARS International Graduate Workshop on GeoInformatics

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The 2nd LIESMARS International Graduate Workshop on GeoInformatics

9-11 July 2018 Wuhan, China

Notice 1

In accordance with international academic postgraduate communication in GeoInformatics, on July 9-11, 2018, Wuhan University State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing(LIESMARS)and the Collaborative Innovation Center of Geospatial Technology will co-host the 2nd LIESMARS International Graduate Workshop on Geo-Informatics. The Workshop aims to provide an opportunity for academic communications between postgraduates in GeoInformatics and international researchers, and a platform to demonstrate and discuss research achievements and thus, stimulate innovations. The workshop was motivated by a desire to broaden the horizons of research while improving academic exchanges between universities and institutions around the world. We sincerely call for extended abstracts from post-doctoral researchers, Ph.D candidates, and master students. You are welcome to join us in Wuhan!

1. Organizers

State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan Uni-versity

Collaborative Innovation Center of Geospatial Technology

2. Call for Extended Abstracts

We call for extended abstracts from post-doctoral researchers, Ph.D candidates, and master students in GeoInformatics. Master students’ submissions will not exceed 15% of the total accepted abstracts.

3. Workshop Topics

We invite extended abstracts related to the following topics; interdisciplinary researches related to Geo-informatics will be especially welcome.

1. Navigation and location services

Keywords: Indoor Navigation, Location-Based Services Indoors/Outdoors, GNSS Based Positioning Indoors/Outdoors, Positioning Based On Wireless Sensor Net-Works Or Emerging Sensors

2. Remote Sensing Analysis and Applications

Keywords: Advances In SAR, Optical Remote Sensing, Fluorescence Remote Sensing, Nightlight Re-mote Sensing, Image Classification, Object Detection, Change Detection, Information Extraction, Remote Sensing Applications In Agri-Culture, Environment And Geologic Disasters, High Spectral Remote Sensing, Satellite And Ground Lidar, Remote Sensing In Aero-Sol-Cloud-Precipitation-Radiation Interaction

3. Photogrammetry

Keywords: Computer Vision, 3D Reconstruction, Geometric Processing, 3-D laser Scanning, Unmanned Vehicles, UAVs, Robots, and Other New Geographic Information Collection Equipment

4. Geographic Information Systems and Services

Keywords: Smart City, Sensor Network and Internet of Things, Social Sensing and Geo-computation

5. Geodetic and Gravitational Measurement

Keywords: Planetary Spacecraft Precise Orbit Determination, Planetary Gravity Field Recovery, Plane-tary Internal Structures

6. Space networks and space communications

Keywords: Private Data Release, Location Privacy-Preserving, Privacy Protection In Biometrics

7. Spatial Data Analysis and Mining

Keywords: Data Fusion, Spatial Data Modeling, Processing, Analysis, Mining and Visualization

8. Ubiquitous mapping and artificial intelligence

4. Organizing Committee

Honorary Chairman

Prof. Li Deren: Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chine Academy of Engineering , Wuhan University

Prof. Gong Jianya: Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan University


Prof. Chen Ruizhi:Wuhan University, Distinguished Expert in the “1000 Talents Plan”

Committee Member

Prof. ZhangLiangpei: Wuhan University, Distinguished Professor in Education Ministry “Chang Jiang Scholar”.

Prof. Wu Huayi: Wuhan University, Distinguished Professor in Education Ministry “Chang Jiang Schol-ar”.

Prof. Gong Wei: Wuhan University, Distinguished Professor in Education Ministry “Chang Jiang Schol-ar”.

Prof. Yang Bisheng: Wuhan University, Winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar, Distinguished Professor in Education Ministry “Chang Jiang Scholar”.

Prof. Wang Mi: Wuhan University,Distinguished Professor in Wuhan Univerisity “Luo Jia Scholar”, member of Education Ministry “New Century Excellent Talents”

Prof. Cheng Nengcheng: Wuhan University, Distinguished Professor in Wuhan Univerisity “Luo Jia Scholar”, member of Education Ministry “New Century Excellent Talents”

Prof. Sui Haigang: Wuhan University, Distinguished Professor in Wuhan Univerisity “Luo Jia Scholar”

Prof. Zhong Yanfei: Wuhan University, Distinguished Professor in Wuhan Univerisity “Luo Jia Scholar”, winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar

Prof. Liu Jingbin: Wuhan University, Scholar of “1000 Youth Talents Plan”

5. Important Dates

1. Abstract submission deadline:May 31, 2018

2. Notification of acceptance: June 10, 2018

3. Registration:July 08, 2018

6. Submission Guidelines

1. Any extended abstract should be no more than 1000 words (for format details you may refer to at-tachment 1).Please ensure that such information as author’s name, affiliation, education bio note and contact details (E-mail, Phone number etc.) are noted in your submission (for format details you may refer to at-tachment 2).

2. A PPT will be required and should be presented in English. Please submit the PPT at check in. The presentation should last no longer than 15 minutes, and will be followed by a 5 minutes Q&A.

3. Extended abstract should be submitted to wd2017gsisbslt@163.com. Your email title should include the following information in the provided format: Author affiliation- Author’s name - Thesis Title -Topic Number, e.g. Wuhan University-Tom- Indoor Navigation -1.

7. Fee & Rewards

1. Registration and conference materials are free. We will provide accommodations and meals for qualified non-local participants.

2. Extended abstracts will be viewed and selected by referees; all extended abstracts accepted by the workshop are eligible for awards. Based on the number of extended abstracts in each topic and presentation, we will set Excellent Essay Awards (3000RMB), Excellent Report Awards (2000RMB), Excellent Partici-pants (500RMB) and Interdisciplinary Report Awards (500RMB).

3. Travel Funding: If your extended abstract is accepted, we will provide travel funding. The funding standards are as follows.


Support Fees (Maximum)

Europe, North & South America, Africa, Oceania

5000 RMB

China neighboring countries

2000 RMB


700 RMB

4. This workshop will recommend excellent extended abstracts to GSIS (Geo-spatial Information Sci-ence). Submission format for academic achievements should be based on GSIS requirements.

GSIS is the first English academic journal in China for Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing and it also a part of the 13th Five-year Plan of Wuhan University and the “Double World-class” Plan of Journals Construction. In 2016 the journal was transformed into an open access (OA) publishing model to boost in-ternational communications. At present, this journal is included in international databases such as ESCI, Scopus, CSCD, GeoBase and PubMed.

8. Venues and Directions

Location of registration and sub-venues:

Wuhan University State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing.

Department of Information, Wuhan University

Location of the opening ceremony:

Lecture Hall, Four Floor, Library of Information Department

Department of Information, Wuhan University

1. Routes

(1)Tianhe Airport-Department of Information, Wuhan University

Taking metro line 2 from Tianhe Airport Station to GuangbutunStation.

(2)Wuhan Train Station- Department of Information, Wuhan University

Taking metro line 4 from Wuhan Train Station to Zhongnan Road Station, then transferring to metro line 2 to Guangbutun Station, exiting from K.

(3)Wuhan Train Station- Department of Information, Wuhan University

Taking metro line 4 from Wuchang Train Station to Zhongnan Road Station, then transferring to metro line 2 to Guangbutun Station, exiting from K.

(4)Hankou Train Station- Department of Information, Wuhan University

Taking metro line 2 from Hankou Train Station to Guangbutun Station, exiting from K.

2. Location of State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing

3. Accommodations

Motel Hotel (near Guangbutun Station)(you will be welcomed by our staff on registration day)

Hotel Adress: No.189 Luoyu Road.

Contact Number:(027)87644120

Distance between hotel and the venue: 560 meters about 8 minutes of walk.


1. If you have any further questions regarding the submissions to the Workshop, please contact the vol-unteers according your topic number. These are the ways you can contact them.



Phone Number

Email address

Topic 1-2

He Wenfeng



Topic 3-4

Liu Cong



Topic 5-6

Li Qing



Topic 7-8

Wang Jingqi



2. Address: State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University. No.129, Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei Province.

Post code: 430079.

Highlights-1st LIESMARS International Graduate Workshop on GeoInformatics .pdf

Attachment 1.docx

Attachment2 .xlsx
