2020 GeoInformatics Online Summer School

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August 24 - August 31, 2020

Wuhan, China

Call for Participation

The GeoInformatics Summer School offers motivated university students and graduates an international and strongly academic summer session where outstanding lecturers and young talents meet to explore new ideas. International GeoInformatics Online Summer School 2020 will be organized on August 24th _ 31st with courses covering fundamental concepts, methodologies, and technologies in Night-time Light Remote Sensing, Machine Learning & Social Sensing, Geospatial Big Data Computing and Disaster Management.

The Organizing Committee reviews individual candidates for qualification and relevance and then extends the formal invitations which will detail the summer school program.

 No study fees

 Register before August 20th, 2020

 Email: geoss@whu.edu.cn

 Chances to win Excellent Participant/Cutural Promoter Awards

 Platform: Zoom Meeting

 Website:http://www.lmars.whu.edu.cn/geosummerschool/index.jsp