近年来在本领域主流期刊发表SCI/SSCI论文50余篇,其中第一/通讯作者论文近40篇,论文被引2000余次,H-Index=24。担任SCI期刊《IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems》、《Transportmetrica B》副主编(Associate Editor),SCI/SSCI期刊《Sustainability》编委;SCI/SSCI期刊《Transactions in GIS》、《Transportmetrica A》和《Journal of Advanced Transportation》客座编辑;并担任国际摄影测量与遥感协会ISPRS VI/8 Geocompuation and Geosimulation 工作组主席, 中国地理信息产业协会-GIS理论与方法工作委员会委员等学术兼职。Email:chen.biyu@whu.edu.cn
w 2019.5 – 至今,武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室, 教授
w 2013.11 – 2019.3,武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室, 副教授
w 2012.3 – 2013.11,武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室, 讲师
w 2008 – 2012, 香港理工大学土木工程学系,交通运输规划与管理专业博士学位
w 2004 – 2006, 武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室,GIS专业硕士学位
w 2001 – 2003, 华中科技大学计算机科学与技术学院,计算机专业学士学位
w 1999 – 2003, 武汉大学测绘学院,测绘工程专业学士学位
w Transport informatics; Intelligent Transportation Systems; Smart City
w Spatiotemporal GIS; Spatiotemporal big data analytics
w Transport Geography; Time Geography; Behavior Geography
w 国际SCI期刊《IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems》副主编
w 国际SCI期刊《Transportmetrica B》副主编
w 国际SCI/SSCI期刊《Sustainability》编委
w 国际SCI期刊《Transportmetrica A》客座编辑
w 国际SCI期刊《Journal of Advanced Transportation》客座编辑
w 国际SSCI期刊《Transactions in GIS》客座编辑
w ISPRS VI/8 Geocompuation and Geosimulation 工作组主席
w 中国地理信息产业协会-GIS理论与方法工作委员会委员
w 中国地理学会-行为地理专业委员会委员
w 中国测绘学会-摄影测量与遥感专业委员会委员
w 中国自然资源学会-国土空间规划专业委员会委员
w 中国交通运输协会-青年科技工作者委员会委员
w 2021年: 青年测绘地理信息科技创新人才奖. 中国测绘学会.
w 2019年: 教育部-高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖 (科学技术二等奖)
w 2017年:武汉市-3551光谷人才计划
w 2017年:武汉大学-拔尖创新人才计划
w 2016年:遥感青年科技人才创新计划
w 2016年:湖北省科技进步一等奖
w 2015年:北京市科学技术奖一等奖
w 2014年:中国地理信息科技进步一等奖
w 2014年:武汉大学-珞珈青年学者计划
w 2013年:第一届中国大数据创新与创业大赛三等奖(指导教师)
w 2010年:香港土木工程师协会最佳论文奖 (专业级一等奖)
w 主持:国家自然科学基金-面上项目,面向时间地理分析的全时空对象建模和挖掘方法研究,时间:2023-2026
w 主持:国家重点研发项目子课题,人机协同的地理空间知识图谱构建与推理技术,时间:2021-2024
w 主持:武汉大学-拔尖创新人才计划Ⅱ类资助项目,时间:2022-2023
w 主持:国家自然科学基金-面上项目,顾及行程时间可靠度的公共设施空间布局评价及优化方法研究,时间:2016-2019
w 主持:国家自然科学基金-青年项目,行程时间不确定环境下的可靠最短路径算法研究, 时间:2013-2015
w 主持:武汉大学-拔尖创新人才计划I类资助项目,时间:2017-2018
w 主持:武汉大学-珞珈青年学者计划,时间:2015-2017
w 主持:湖北省自然科学基金-面上项目,基于时空大数据挖掘的城市交通状态估计及可靠度评价, 时间:2016-2017
w 主持:博士后基金-特别资助项目,基于行程时间可靠度的交通拥堵探测方法研究,时间:2012-2014
w 主持:博士后基金-面上项目,实时交通信息辅助下的动态随机路径规划算法研究,时间:2012-2014
w 合作主持:香港理工大学合作科研项目, Monitoring real-time network performance and traffic emissions using ITS technologies, 合作主持人:Prof. William H.K. Lam,时间:2015-2016
w 参与:国家重点研发计划,地理大数据挖掘与时空模式发现,负责人:裴韬 研究员,时间:2017-2021
w 参与:国家自然科学基金-面上项目,社交网络时空数据模型与热点事件演化规律研究,负责人:李清泉教授,时间:2014-2017
w 参与:国家自然科学基金-重点项目,基于海量手机数据的群体活动与城市空间结构适应度分析及选址优化,负责人:萧世伦教授,时间:2013-2017
w 参与:国家863计划重大项目课题,位置信息搜索与智能服务技术,负责人:陆锋研究员,时间:2012-2014
w 萧世伦, 方志祥, 陈碧宇, 尹凌, 陈洁, 杨喜平. 城市人群活动时空GIS分析. 武汉:科学出版社. 2017
代表性论文 (*通讯作者)
1. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2018, Understanding the impacts of human mobility on accessibility using massive mobile phone tracking data. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 108(4), pp. 1115-1133. (SSCI, IF: 3.982, 地理学权威期刊)
2. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2013, Reliable space-time prisms under travel time uncertainty. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(6), pp. 1502-1521. (SSCI, IF: 3.982, 地理学权威期刊)
3. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2022, A spatiotemporal data model and an index structure for computational time geography. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2022.2128192. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 5.152, GIS权威期刊)
4. Yuan, H., Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2018, Toward space-time buffering for spatiotemporal proximity analysis of movement data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 32(6), pp. 1211-1246. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 5.152, GIS权威期刊)
5. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2017, Measuring place-based accessibility under travel time uncertainty. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 31(4), pp. 783-804. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 5.152, GIS权威期刊)
6. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2016, Spatiotemporal data model for network time geographic analysis in the era of big data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 30(6), pp. 1041-1071. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 5.152, GIS权威期刊)
7. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2014, Map matching algorithm for large-scale low-frequency floating car data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 28(1), pp. 22-38. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 5.152, GIS权威期刊)
8. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2012, Reliable shortest path problem in stochastic networks with spatial correlated link travel times. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26(2), pp. 365-386. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 5.152, GIS权威期刊)
9. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2022, Transit Voronoi diagrams in multi-mode public transport networks. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 96, p. 101849. (SSCI, IF: 6.454, GIS权威期刊)
10. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2020, Evaluating spatial accessibility to healthcare services under travel time uncertainty: A reliability-based floating catchment area approach. Journal of Transport Geography, 87, p. 102794. (SSCI, IF: 5.899, 地理学权威期刊)
11. Wang, Y., Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2018, Measuring temporal variation of location-based accessibility using space-time utility perspective. Journal of Transport Geography, 73, pp. 13-24. (SSCI, IF: 5.899, 地理学权威期刊)
12. Yang, W., Chen, B.Y., et al., 2017, The spatial characteristics and influencing factors of modal accessibility gaps: A case study for Guangzhou, China. Journal of Transport Geography, 60, pp. 21-32. (SSCI, IF: 5.899, 地理学权威期刊)
13. Zhang, C., Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2022, Vehicle re-identification for lane-based travel time estimations on congested urban roads using video images. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23, pp. 12877-12893. (SCI, IF: 9.551, 交通权威期刊)
14. Jia, T., Zhang, P. and Chen, B.Y., 2022, A microscopic model of vehicle CO2 emissions based on deep learning: A spatiotemporal analysis of taxicabs in Wuhan, China. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI:10.1109/TITS.2022.3151655. (SCI, IF: 9.551, 交通权威期刊)
15. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2013, Shortest path finding problem in stochastic time-dependent road networks with stochastic first-in-first-out property. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 14(4), pp. 1907-1917. (SCI, IF: 9.551, 交通权威期刊)
16. Chang, X., Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2013, Estimating real-time traffic carbon dioxide emissions based on intelligent transportation system technologies. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 14(1), pp. 469-479. (SCI, IF: 9.551, 交通权威期刊)
17. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2020, Efficient algorithm for finding K shortest paths based on re-optimization technique. Transportation Research Part E, 133, p. 101819. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 10.047, 交通权威期刊)
18. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2019, Understanding travel time uncertainty impacts on the equity of individual accessibility. Transportation Research Part D, 75, pp. 156-169. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 7.041, 交通权威期刊)
19. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2016, Finding the K reliable shortest paths under travel time uncertainty. Transportation Research Part B, 94, pp. 189-203. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 7.632, 交通权威期刊)
20. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2012, Vulnerability analysis for large-scale and congested road networks with demand uncertainty. Transportation Research Part A, 46(3), pp. 501-517. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 6.615, 交通权威期刊)
21. Chen, X.-W., Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2021, A bi-objective reliable path-finding algorithm for battery electric vehicle routing. Expert Systems With Applications, 182, p. 115228. (SCI, IF: 8.665, 运筹学权威期刊)
22. Zhang, J., Lam, W.H.K. and Chen, B.Y.*, 2016, On-time delivery probabilistic models for the vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands and time windows. European Journal of Operational Research, 249(1), pp. 144-154. (SCI, IF: 6.363, 运筹学权威期刊)
23. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2021, A fast algorithm for finding K shortest paths using generalized spur path reuse technique. Transactions in GIS, 25, pp. 516-533. (SSCI, IF: 2.568, GIS权威期刊)
24. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2021, Geocomputation for social science in the era of urban big data. Transactions in GIS, 25. (SSCI, IF: 2.568, GIS权威期刊)
25. Li, Q.Q., Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2015, A hybrid link-node approach for finding shortest paths in road networks with turn restrictions. Transactions in GIS, 19(6), pp. 915-929. (SSCI, IF: 2.568, GIS权威期刊)
26. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2014, Reliable shortest path problems in stochastic time-dependent networks. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(2), pp. 177-189. (SCI, IF: 3.839)
27. Chen, B.Y.* and Kwan, M.-P., 2020, Guest editorial: Spatiotemporal big data analytics for transportation applications. Transportmetrica A, 16(1), pp. 1-4. (SCI, IF: 3.277)
28. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2017, Most reliable path-finding algorithm for maximizing on-time arrival probability. Transportmetrica B, 5(3), pp. 253-269. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 3.410)
29. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2013, Finding reliable shortest paths in road networks under uncertainty. Networks & Spatial Economics, 13(2), pp. 123-148. (SCI, IF: 2.484)
30. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2011, An efficient solution algorithm for solving multi-class reliability-based traffic assignment problem. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54(5-6), pp. 1428-1439. (SCI, 2011 IF: 1.346)
31. Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2016, Efficient solution algorithm for finding spatially-dependent reliable shortest path in road networks. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 50(7), pp. 1413-1431. (SCI, IF: 2.249)
32. Chen, B.Y.* and Lam, W.H.K., 2016, Special issue: Smart transportation: Theory and practice. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 50(2), pp. 141-144. (SCI, IF: 2.249)
33. Shi, C., Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2017, Heterogeneous data fusion method to estimate travel time distributions in congested road networks. Sensors, 17(12), p. 2822. (SCI, IF: 3.847)
34. Shi, C., Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2017, Estimation of travel time distributions in urban road networks using low-frequency floating car data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(8), p. 253. (SCI, IF: 3.099)
35. Chen, H.-P., Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2016, Efficient geo-computational algorithms for constructing space-time prisms in road networks. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 5(11), p. 214. (SCI, IF: 3.099)
36. Yuan, L., Chen, B.Y.*, et al., 2014, Effects of rainfall intensity on traffic crashes in Hong Kong. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport, 167, pp. 343-350. (SCI, IF: 1.121)
37. Chen, B.Y., et al., 2012, Development of dynamic three-dimensional coastal information system: A case study in Hong Kong. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 14(3), pp. 815-828. (SCI, IF: 3.058)
1. 陈碧宇, 袁辉, 李清泉, 一种浮动车数据的地图匹配方法. 专利号:ZL201310034086.5.
2. 陈碧宇, 时朝阳, 李清泉, 一种基于浮动车数据预测多时段行程时间分布的方法. 专利号: ZL201410173814.5.
3. 陈碧宇, 李清泉, 考虑交叉口转向限制的最短路径混合边节点标号方法. 专利号: ZL201410706334.0.
4. 陈碧宇, 袁辉, 李清泉, 路网约束轨迹的时空缓冲区构造方法.专利号: ZL201810092329.3.
1. 李岩(2022级博士,行为知识图谱)
2. 张津萌(2022级博士,行为地理学)
3. 刘汶轩(2022级博士,网络空间分析)
4. 陈炫岩(2021级博士,时空大数据挖掘)
5. 张宇(2021级博士,时间地理学)
6. 马耀红(2021级博士,社会地理计算)
7. 滕文鑫(2020级博士,网络空间优化)
8. 袁泽浩(2020级博士,行为地理学)
9. 刘琪(2020级博士,绿色交通出行)
10. 付晨曦(2019级博士,城市空间信息)
11. 骆钰波(2019级博士,时空大数据挖掘)
12. 赵雨慧(2019级博士,韧性交通系统)
13. 石英(2022级硕士,行为地理学)
14. 丁妍(2022级硕士,社会地理计算)
15. 丁韦娜(2022级硕士,社会地理计算)
16. 钟宇翔(2021级硕士,行为知识图谱)
17. 胡灵杰(2021级硕士,行为知识图谱)
18. 黄辉煌(2020级硕士,网络空间优化)
19. 李歆艺(2020级硕士,绿色交通出行)
20. 杨坤(2020级硕士,时间地理学)
1. 时朝阳(#2013级博士,毕业去向:华中科技大学 讲师)
2. 袁辉(#2013级博士,毕业去向:铁四院)
3. 王亚飞(#2012级博士,毕业去向:华北水利水电大学 讲师)
4. 王葭泐(2019级硕士,毕业去向:高德)
5. 黄延彬(2020级硕士,毕业去向:TP Link)
6. 张津萌(2019级硕士,毕业去向:武汉大学读博)
7. 王佳宁(2018级硕士,毕业去向:腾讯)
8. 程雪萍(2018级硕士,毕业去向:湖南省地理信息中心)
9. 牟俊鹏(2018级硕士,毕业去向:海康威视)
10. 王宇(2018级硕士,毕业去向:招商银行)
11. Syed Adil Hussain(2018级硕士留学生,毕业去向:巴基斯坦)
12. 陈小威(2017级硕士,毕业去向:大疆科技)
13. 熊慧敏(2017级硕士,毕业去向:湖南卫视)
14. 龙莹莹(2017级硕士,毕业去向:招商银行)
15. 郭咸(2017级硕士,毕业去向:百度)
16. 段梦军(2015级硕士,毕业去向:中电52所)
17. 项术津(2015级硕士,毕业去向:中信银行)
18. 侯泽元(#2015级硕士,毕业去向:华为)
19. 尹勇(#2014级硕士,毕业去向:招商银行)
20. 杨泽宇(#2014级硕士,毕业去向:腾讯)
21. 鲁国珍(#2013级硕士,毕业去向:腾讯)
22. 吴健之(#2013级硕士,毕业去向:腾讯)
23. 姜喆(#2013级硕士,毕业去向:阿里巴巴)
24. 郑海星(#2011级硕士,毕业去向:深圳市交通规划院)
25. 万梦(#2011级硕士,毕业去向:浙江省地理信息中心)